1/2: Neato doggo thing happened today. German Shepherd escaped from a house two streets up, and everyone on the neighborhood phone chain was on alert because GS has a *bad* reputation in re: humans. He darted out while recently hip-replaced tenant was being wheeled in through garage. Anywho, long story short...

GS owners and duplexmates found doggo in my back yard. We were eating extra sharp cheddar cheese (from a block) on my back steps, as one does.

Doggo's name is Hawk. He is mah fren...

2/2: ...and likes cheese. He ran over to his pet humans when they got out of their truck. They were very glad to see doggo and everyone else was okay. I received permission to wander by and visit when I am out of my walks, seeing as how I do see Hawk frequently in the fenced-in back yard on my way by.

So yeah. Nifty doggo thing happened.


3/2: Also, I am now on the neighborhood phone chain.

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