@WordsmithFL: They're begging for a SCOTUS showdown to have the federal income tax declared unconstitutional. They're making every play the Court they can, so they can cripple the nation.
@thedisasterautist It's another stunt. They're hoping to get it to #SCOTUS; Dobbs set the precedent for reversing other long-standing case law, which opened the flood gates.
Hopefully SCOTUS saw with Dobbs that they created chaos with their ruling, and will think twice about doing it again. Well, a 5-4 majority, anyway.
@WordsmithFL: That said, can the SCOTUS determine that an actual Amendment to the U.S. Constitution be unconstitutional? I mean... it isn't a law made by Congress. Every state ratified it and made it a part of the Constitution, not just some law on the books. Freedom of Assembly, Speech, and Press is an Amendment. Can the SCOTUS declare that Amendment unconstitutional and remove it?