When a new manager is hired to be in charge of you, do you inherently trust them to a certain level because they're your manager, or does that trust need to be earned?

I've never had a manager set off so many alarms in my head that my trust level should be very limited, and this is only his 3rd week.

@Beerdini: It isn't a matter of trust to me. It's a matter of whether or not he/she/they knows WTF they're doing. That comes out over time, usually short time. That said, other coworkers/colleagues can't be sabotaging the new manager, which is not at all unknown and complicates things, and you have to be open to new manager's getting used to things and settling in. That said, new managers who show up and declare "a brand new day" blah blah blah are worrying from the get-go.

So here is the thing, we're a cyber security group, he is not a cyber security manager. Comes in saying he will follow our advice and immediately starts using inflammatory language about how we manage our own domain and is making no secret that he wants to get rid of it. There is going to be an "independent" assessment of it that I'm 99% sure that the result has already been determined. (1/2)


@Beerdini: Well, that falls under the "New Broom" (Bullshit) Style of New Management, reminiscent of the "Fire Someone As Soon Ay You Show Up In Order To Establish Dominance" (Bullshit) Style of New Management.

It is not uncommon. It's came to the forefront in the 1980s. Management and Exec Types do it in order to show they are "action-oriented" and "aggressive" and shit. I've seen it a lot.

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