@GeezerWench: It'd be nice is they did it for people on Social Security Disability, too, and not only those on SSI. GovCo monthly keeps up with our bank accounts as well, and if they see us getting help from family and friends, they send us a warning.
@GeezerWench: Yep.
Medicaid pays for things that Disability doesn't, too.
@GeezerWench @thedisasterautist thats crazy. i get va survivor benefits and also social security disability payments. and they hardly say anything about a little extra in my account. but then again, i do not have a car .
@thedisasterautist @GeezerWench it may also be somewhat different as i live in wv.
@thedisasterautist Agreed. My sister is on SS disability and lives in subsidized housing. She's barely allowed to have any money in the bank. If her son gets over time (he lives with her and they check his pay stubs), they raise her rent. There is no way for her to even attempt to get even a step ahead. No way to put money aside in case the car breaks down. It's insane.