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Thanks for supporting the site, and we're happy to have new users, but everyone needs to understand that this isn't Twitter, and they're not going to be able to import Twitter behavior here.

They need to especially understand that cheering on Twitter about thinking they'd crashed the site WE PAY FOR is NEVER going to fly with ANYONE here.

Lords of the Trident - Figaro

Pretty epic melodic metal song that always gives me chills. They love them some FF. Check these guys out. Hardest working group of mofos in the scene around here (midwest, US).

🤘 ☕

Sunday morning cross-over.

Hey ! 👋 For my upcoming article at about my first week here, I've put together a visual guide for the new free-account user, to help them make sense of the maybe-new-to-them layout.

I thought it might be a good shareable resource right away for the crowd, too, though, so I hope this is useful for others just getting started.🤞 If you see someone confused, please feel free to send this image along!

Did you know you have access to live news such as MSNBC, CNN, ABC, Bloomberg, The Weather Channel and more?

Using the web version of the platform, in the bottom left of your screen are 8 channels available to you. Can't see it? Zoom out a bit, it's there! (See screenshot)

Less than two weeks now til Endwalker is released and I am pretty sure I am not going to catch up.

I tried...

I can't remember if I discovered GVMERS on here or not, but I've been obsessed with it ever since.

Lots of very interesting short documentaries about all sorts of games. I find most, if not all, of the ones I've seen extremely fascination.

Check it out!

In case you're wondering what the @COSOCOM incident alert is about. It activated a full 10 minutes before this...

McCarthy is still trying the "Q-on" thing at the debate to remove the maniac today.

That's about all I needed to hear from their side, I think.

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.