Twice. This f'n guy.

Two times.

I hope this idiot listens to our
podcast this week. He's gonna get it.

Not sure who all might be from Wisconsin here, but if you are still on Twitter, I would give WI Rep. Robin Voss' opponent, Joel Jacobsen, a follow.

Unfortunately, Voss' district is fortified pretty well, so it'll be tough.

But whatever helps at this point!

Haven't posted another pic in week or so. Foster kittens are starting to hit their growth spurt.

We always have a theme around our naming conventions. This time around we have 3 boys and 3 girls, so my wife had to go with The Bradys. Not sure which is which yet!

Ah, Good old Comrade RoJo, with his Police State solution to....stopping racist or improperly trained cops from shooting black people in the back?

At least he's being transparent about it...

My wife and I have been fostering cats for years. We've been without for almost a year now, which is atypical, but we finally picked-up our first mother and kittens for the year today.


Good Morning fellow Anti-Fascists, "YoU'vE bEeN wArNeD!!one!1! KeKeK":

Found this while ripping old pics off my barely existent FB account.

A good reminder for everyone's Memorial Day weekend.


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