WaPo has a "Can you spot the scam?" article. I missed 3 of 7. Two were legit and I hit "scam", but overcautious is good. I did miss a real scam though, which surprised me. Take the test: wapo.st/451wbV1

My hands are so full of wood glue and finish that the fingerprint reader on the laptop won't recognize me.

Good thing I enrolled the prosthetic finger I keep on a shelf as a backup.

Multi-factor Authentication achievement==Unlocked!

(Tagged as in case anyone thinks I'm recommending this or believe it qualifies as multi-factor. Feel free to believe I actually did it though.)

I just received an email from one of the largest financial clearing hubs in the US recommending that customers not use SSL pier name filtering.

Aside from that feature being an essential part of authentication, they said "pier" like the thing you fish off of, not "peer" as in the remote connection point.

How we still have a functioning global digital transaction infrastructure remains one of the great mysteries of the world.


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