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Okay, here's the hot, probably unpopular, certain to rile somebody, take:
There is a difference between someone with talent, skill and love for music and someone who has been called by music. The former will do their best to make a life with music, but if success doesn't come, will walk away. The latter will find a way to make some kind of music-centered life, regardless of income level or "success."

A lot of babble on various socials about throwing up hands and walking away. Some of us can't.

Officially Spring - Executive Producer just handed me a bowl of homemade mint chocolate chip ice cream....

(via itsi.janeakelly on Threads)
I still like "Incel Camino," but this is pretty good (via itsi.janeakelly on Threads):

Has Warm Audio become a Texas version of Behringer?

Well, we got to see the eclipse, but now, severe storms.
Win some....

So, April is here, and everyone in red is not being paid. If you think that's right, you're in love with the business, not the music.

It's another Bandcamp Friday - the best day to reach out a get some music you can hold, with extra icing for your favorite creators. It doesn't have to be me, but go find something to pick up today and show some love to a musician Spotify pretends doesn't matter!
(if it is me, here's a link: )

"As long as we create technology primarily to extract resources and annihilate each other, the belief that technology will come to our rescue and help us solve our existential crises is a product of a highly delusional thought process."
-Geo. Tsakraklides

Welp, Robert Fripp wins April Fool's for this year (who'd a thunk?).

(All-time trophy still belongs to Moog....)

You see interviews with drummers, etc., saying "I never knew the words, I don't know what so and so was doing....," then you see videos of The Who back in the live heyday and Moon is singing along! It starts to dawn how they were able to pull off the insane level of group improvisation...
Take heed, young 'uns....

So, Lucian Grainge now owns 99% of Daniel Ek's gonads.
If you haven't dumped Spotify yet.....

PayPal is apparently staffed exclusively by loonburgers and idiots.

Okay, musicians, I'm fine with some variation in nomenclature when it comes to harmony, it's just a fact of functional (sorry) musical life.
One exception:

Keys have tonics, chords have roots, ok?

Trying to keep my students from going completely crosseyed....

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t heislen

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