
Okay, here's the hot, probably unpopular, certain to rile somebody, take:
There is a difference between someone with talent, skill and love for music and someone who has been called by music. The former will do their best to make a life with music, but if success doesn't come, will walk away. The latter will find a way to make some kind of music-centered life, regardless of income level or "success."

A lot of babble on various socials about throwing up hands and walking away. Some of us can't.


I would disagree about the former just walking away if success doesn't come... people measure success in different ways.

I've been 'unsuccessful' for decades now if you use fame and fortune as the measure.

I measure my own success by the enjoyment I get from creating music and by the progress I make in mixing my original music. But it's not a calling... just a very serious hobby.

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