I'm currently to a local band play live jazz, and some dude (I feel pretty safe making a gender guess here) just ripped by on an unnecessarily loud motorcycle -- the kind where they swap out mufflers for megaphones.
Everyone here laughed at him.
I would like him to know that -- we all think you're ridiculous! So, hey, if you know him, can you tell him for me?
@chevalier26 @sumpnlikefaith
Yeah, all I can think is, "It's a shame someone stole your catalytic converter."
@AlphaCentauri @chevalier26 "Your poor vehicle sounds like it's in really bad shape. Would you like the number for a decent mechanic?"
@sumpnlikefaith @AlphaCentauri @chevalier26
"Loud pipes save lives" is true, but when combined with miniscule genitals it becomes comedy gold!
@sumpnlikefaith I’ve always wondered how people that do that want the rest of us to react. Because it’s definitely the opposite response they want if I’m around 😂