
How the conversation goes when I tell people I'm starting a company:

"Uhhh...I don't know what means."

"Nah, me neither!"

"But, like, what's it going to do, exactly?"

"Well, I'm not totally sure yet."


"Yep. Fun, right?"

@sumpnlikefaith Why would you start a company that you don't know what it is going to do?

@AskTheDevil Good question!

I have a few concrete ideas of what it's going to do. I have a lot more vague ideas about its possibilities and potential.

What it's actually going to do is, well, a blank canvas, and depends on how the opportunities I currently have will evolve. I can't predict what will catch.

I've felt an unshakeable impetus to start something "official" to test out the validity of my inspiration(s), and I'm just following that for now.

@sumpnlikefaith I would feel irresponsible if I did not say "that sounds like an awful idea, and it would even be awful if you succeeded, but it is likely a bad risk"

But I also like to promote diversity of thought, free will, and supporting other people's cockamamie ideas, perhaps in slight hope one day enough people will support my cockamamie ideas!

I think however formless, you should declare a mission though, so you have a mission to follow. It will be a compass as you find your way.

@sumpnlikefaith Also: It does often make good business sense to incorporate or form a company even if it is just you, and you do "whatever". There can be tax and liability benefits and protections, as well as being able to belong to a company, not just be seen as an individual contractor or hiree. You already _work_ for a company!

@AskTheDevil Yeah, that's where I'm at. It's easier to do work with corporations when you're a corporation.

I'm on a really steep learning curve, but I have some really sharp people on my side with this.

So...I'm just putting one foot in front of the other.

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