
If you're coming from Twitter, like me, please don't expect Utopia here on CoSo. It won't be. It's its own ride. And the ride will be a lot more pleasant without unrealistically high expectations and the accompanying inevitable crushing disappointments.

However, we *can* each contribute to improving the ride for each other.

Welcome works best when it's reciprocal. 🙂

@sumpnlikefaith Thanks for welcome and reality check. That should make for better experience. Here we go!

@clayrivers Here we go, indeed! I gotta say, I'm I'm already impressed by what I'm seeing here vs what I'm leaving behind. Happy to be creating a better shared experience for all of us.


It does take time to learn the functions ( which Jester has done an breathtaking job developing) and the community will tend to be more loving and kind while nearly absent trolls, bots and bad actors. More like face to face, real time interacting is.

Welcome my new artistic friend! We should have fun getting to know each other.

Use the universal tag plus genre defining tags. Following that tag brings the whole Arts Community together in one place, to support each other

@sumpnlikefaith thanks for the tip! Hope you had a great week and look forward to a relaxing weekend!

:) yes.

Reality is complicated, community, every one of us, is complicated, & never static except illusionarily so.

Moods & intimacy are waves, closer, less close, closer again, ...

I partially understand myself, and unless you are a Buddha, I expect that that is true of everyone of us, & shared understandings are partial & transient even when profoundly in sync...

I'm told Buddha said that the whole of a holy life was in good companionship...

We help each other.

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