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Jewish family fled hometown after Mike Johnson warned of ‘enemy’ to the gospel: report

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Ashli Babbitt was a MAGA cultist who was radicalized into a domestic terrorist by the lies of her cult leader, Donald Trump.

He alone is responsible for her death.

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Ashli Babbitt is the poster child for fu¢k around and find out.

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Only simps, stans, cultists, & cucks of Elon Musk think his exploding rockets to nowhere are a success.

They even have a cute name for it.

Rapid unscheduled disassembly.

It’s so pathetic.

Elon burns more money than most people will make in a thousand lifetimes.

Tax the rich.

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BREAKING: Fani Willis, Fulton County D.A., wants Donald Trump and his 18 co-defendants tried together.

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The nation’s oldest Black fraternity is pulling its 2025 convention out of Florida in protest of the state's approval of a new public educational curriculum that indicates some Black people benefited from slavery.

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Four Georgia DAs seek to block Republican-backed oversight panel

Four district attorneys filed a legal challenge to block a Georgia law championed by Gov. Brian Kemp that gives the state new powers to punish local prosecutors who don’t enforce tough-on-crime crackdowns.

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@Jezibaba: I remember when Republicans had hard-ons over local and county government having more freedom to do what they and their constituents needed and wanted and less coercion from the state and federal gubmint. My, how the worm has turned over the last thirty years.

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"Jack Smith makes it very clear as he designs this indictment, that the former president is charged with his conduct, not with his speech...there will be no sort of a First Amendment defense that will work against these charges."

Joyce Vance

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There is no crime, NONE, that Donald Trump won’t commit in his effort to win the Republican nomination and the 2024 presidential election.

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Frmr FBI Asst. Director Frank Figliuzzi was asked what he reads in the 45-page indictment of Trump. He said "I see a chilling tale of how close we came, all of us, to literally being the defrauded of our civil rights..."

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Protect the judge. Protect the jury. Their safety is paramount.

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The Recount @therecount

Donald Trump explains why he kept boxes of classified material at Mar-a-Lago:

“These boxes were containing all types of personal belongings, many, many things. Shirts and shoes and everything … I hadn’t had a chance to go through all the boxes … I have a very busy life.”

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No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen @NoLieWithBTC

An actual banner that just aired on Fox.

This is not a legitimate news organization that should have privileged press credentials.

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Jeff Tiedrich @itsJeffTiedrich

so do I have this right? there are tapes that prove Joe Biden is corrupt, but no one has heard them or even knows if they actually exist? nice try, but we're not fucking idiots over here. do you morons ever listen to yourselves? this is why no one takes you numbskulls seriously

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Remember when music was musical? No doubt about it my generation produced TUNES.

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Heather Cox Richardson -

Presiding magistrate judge Jonathan Goodman ordered Trump not to communicate with witnesses about the case, including co-defendant Waltine Nauta, then released him on his own recognizance.


When Trump left the courtroom, he stopped at a cafe because he needed a little more attention from his cult.

Here he is with Nauta, not even 2 hours after getting that directive from the judge.

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Good morning CoSo 💛

Happy Wednesday/hill day! Cheering you on this mid-week slope :)


art by Deborah Holmes

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