First proper stomach cramps are hitting.
Officially in nicotine withdrawal.
It hurts.
However, it's late and I will sleep soon.
Also, I have good pain relief available to me.
So I'm going to take some ibuprofen and paracetamol.
I don't remember the last time I felt so determined to do something. Long may it continue.
It's not about healing the pain, it's about the pain of healing.
Get yourself some fresh produce. I started with big juicy peaches, then plums, melon, anything in season, when I quit.
You don't get rid of addictions, you just change them.
Also keep close track of all the money you're not spending on smokes
Listen to what I say, and pay no mind to what I do.
@Pungent 100% I've been having grapes from the fridge. The coldness is really relieving for some reason.
I'm planning on saving the £20/week I currently spend and using it toward doing some work on my bike.
One moment at a time.
I'm having to learn to tell myself "no" and to mean it. Self-discipline is not my strong point 😜
But that's why I'm sharing here.
Nobody but Eleanor and @weeblejj in my real life has a clue what I'm doing.