First proper stomach cramps are hitting.
Officially in nicotine withdrawal.
It hurts.
However, it's late and I will sleep soon.
Also, I have good pain relief available to me.
So I'm going to take some ibuprofen and paracetamol.
I don't remember the last time I felt so determined to do something. Long may it continue.
@AskTheDevil I did. Until yesterday evening. Today is the first full day of no nicotine.
Using the "Lennon Method™" 🤣
@AskTheDevil Thank you.
@stueytheround I do really pray on behalf of others. I've never seen evidence that there's any supernatural power behind doing so, but then I'm not the one who needs to be convinced! ; )
@stueytheround @AskTheDevil Yes, Stuey, you can!!!
@stueytheround I will pray for you. For real. It suuuuuuuuucks going off nicotine!
I believe you can do it!