As ever, it is a delight to learn the ways in which we’re thinking wrong, care of Adam Mastroianni.

"Nobody thinks they can whip up an iPhone in their garage over the weekend, but most people think they know how to save the children, fix the schools, reform the prisons, overhaul healthcare, repair politics, restore civility, and bring about world peace. Perhaps that’s why we have iPhones and we don’t have any of those other things."

@MLClark Funny thing is, I really believe we *can* do those other things. It's not even the practical "how" that's particularly difficult. It's bringing people to the point of agreement which is the insanely hard part. After that, it's a piece of cake 🤣


Well then, let's maybe start with that last part and work back from there, shall we? 🙃


@MLClark Cake! It's the answer to all ills! Except maybe diabetes but we can work around that 🤣

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