Merry Christmas everybody.

We've been to church and then arrived at my Mum's house. Already opened presents. Very blessed. I got a new guitar bag and a moka pot among several very thoughtful gifts from my Mum. @Mauve_matelot bought me a new coffee spoon and frothing jug which will soon be joining ๐Ÿ˜

We just had a delicious turkey dinner, with Christmas Pudding for dessert.
Now very full!
Naptime approaches.

I hope you've all had something worth celebrating today.

@stueytheround @Mauve_matelot Merry Christmas! I love hearing how others celebrate. Iโ€™ve always been curious what exactly is Christmas pudding?
I also donโ€™t know what a moka pot or a frothing jug are, but if you got something you liked, thatโ€™s all that matters!


@GrandmaJ Christmas pudding or plum pudding aka "Figgy pudding" in the song, is a steamed, fruit pudding with suet. Most of the same ingredients as a christmas cake, but no eggs.


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@GrandmaJ we have bird pellets, blocks and balls with seeds that also contain suet.
From what I can see online, this is the same fat that gets used in Britsh festive dishes

@GrandmaJ Nope. Same stuff. Shredded animal (usually beef) fat, though veggie suet does also exist.
It replaces the butter which goes into other cakes and pastries.
Here's the "build your own" version:

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