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1: I am enjoying watching Kevin be rejected and the Repubs split.

2: Please stop using last night's NFL horrific event as an excuse to spread anit vax crap

3: Hug your family...a lot. Make sure they know how you feel.

Happy New Year all! Had a death in the family on Christmas eve so I haven't been on much. Back to the grind!

@The_USA_Singers I would love to give anyone credit and say he is like a Bond villain but Gosar is more of an Earnest Goes to Washington villain

Just for reference: It will be a low of 17 tonight and by the end of next week we will be back to a high of 75...Texas winters are disappointing

Looking forward to sifting through the 800 page Jan. 6th doc. Should be an easy read when about 60% will be "5th" over and over...🤣

@Anabel haha...I totally get it. We used to have a bounty at my old office. Anyone who successfully used the Star Trek font in a sold job got a pool of money. Dumb crap designers do.

@AI78 I work from home and it's dead here too for what it's worth. Except for the occasional child asking for money...

@Anabel Fellow designer here. Comic Sans is my nemesis.

@Rickbflony Yeah...there are so many. It's some really funny tuff

@Rickbflony It is crazy. I know I have see a book where there artist hiding images in ice cubes. Crazy stuff!

Good morning all! I thought I would offer some helpful life advice:

@MrGoat Played this at my wedding reception! Love it!

P.S.: Still married by the way :)

@thedisasterautist I love this show. One of the funniest things I have seen in years!

Good morning, all! I have officially lost my will to continue working. My head and body are unwilling to keep work until Thursday when I go on vacation. Apparently, they have taken the rest of the year off. Happy Holidays!

@MCP2 Yep! 1941..I had a different version of him on my twit avatar

@MCP2 I am good! I had a lot of followers on Twit so maybe it's that.

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