@steveh281 it's funny how they say this when in all the years I've been on Twitter I have never been suspended but since Elon has taken over I have been suspended twice!All bc they don't like my views! I have not done anything to justify a suspension unless saying republicans will cut of their nose to spite their face means I am encouraging self harm. How does that make sense?I'm completely over it all!They want to silence me bc I'm not easily manipulated by these backwards politics! Ridiculous!

@YiaYia702 I agree. It's changing quickly and Elmo just paid all that money just to burn it to the ground. I am wondering if that was what the Saudis paid for

@steveh281 I was going to wait until midterms to delete my account, was trying to spread the word and encourage others to come over here to counter social but I'm so over it! Done with the bird site, matter of fact I'm giving them the bird right now!

@YiaYia702 I jumped ship last week but a few people begged me to hang around until after the mid-terms. I am doing that but come Nov. 9 I am out for good. I will not help Elmo and the Saudis make money off me

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