@Saltybe808 This is Happiness by

After 4 months apart most of the band was able to reunite and they threw this song together. The lyrics a subtle Satirical and Poignant commentary on survival. Or so it flows to my think.

Your young lady can I hope find her escape


@Saltybe808 this is Hold by

The first video release since they settled into exile after fleeing war in


ummm @Saltybe808 This out 8 hours ago, in a way kinda relevant

are an all girl rock band from currently in exile

They released this song/video about 10 hours ago

It follows Hold which I will link next with Happiness, all after running from Russians & war

Maria, the lead singer/guitar is but 17, the elder of the band. Listen and follow the lyric in the more below

Your young lady can find hope I pray


At 1am Pacific it was 99% reporting, less than 100 votes apart


Colorado · District 3
98% reporting

Lauren Boebert
159,029 votes

Adam Frisch
158,235 votes

If this had drifted the other way toward the Ds would you expect squawks from Rs?

Apologies if I overwhelmed you @Saltybe808

Hearing of such genetic parents rile me up.

So my son texted me a couple nights ago. His 18 yo gf was arguing w/ dad. Dad thinks my son *will abuse her, he will have to kill him and dad will go to jail. Gaslight much?
Son is totally non confrontational and has no anger issues

If she chooses to leave, he will cut her off

I drove there, recorded convo, and he suddenly denied everything

Offering a safe place for kids of narcissistic parents does not work. What’s the solution? Children is #1 goal
They are bound between love and abuse

seems the just loves and his ATM ways because they seem satisfied and happy to continue being screwed repeatedly

I would expect they would be butt sore by now

my shearer called this morning because his check reader won't read my check. he's leaving for Madagascar at 2pm for a month, so just wants to catch it up when he gets back.
so, i asked, if he's in Madagascar, could he please take some photos of spider tortoises... (i have a pair that i got before the CITES ban). turns out his aunt in Madagascar raises spider tortoises... so better than photos, he's going to get me better care & habitat info. i love synchronicity

CO became even more blue. Glad I live here and not in either of the other states I have lived in my life. Dems gained ground in CO.

Bye bye Boebert!

perhaps you should spend your time in other than gay clubs, evangelical churches and dive bars

@steelhoof A few years back they tested out a new algorithm that detected bot behavior, than banning people without warning. There was no change in the account from the users end but no one could see them unless they were on a list. The various fandoms got hit hard because we were constantly tweeting about our movies/ shows.

@steelhoof Why am I suddenly glad I set up lists years ago during the shadow ban.

An oh fuck you

This is what f-book did years ago
Stripped users of the ability to really see posts of pretty much anyone in real time.

The twitter feed has been so compromised already, soo expect it to die.


@steelhoof when I was young it was always "African-American" and when I got to be about 20, it was "People of color" until a friend rolled her eyes at me one day and just said "FFS Linda, just say Black! it's not an epithet."

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Steelhoof aka Bill

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.