Power group of the decade thus far IMO

Not that my opinion means squat to most of the world. But, I challenge you to listen to this livestream from 3 weeks ago for 15 minutes.
Then go to their youtube and watch some prduction videos/
Fever and Media Minion are great


YouTube lables this playlist as

It is muusic from performers to note, the names will be new, the skills are awesome

In the second song of the playlist is so tight you will think it is while shreds like and like

It leads off with my current favorite group. An all girl rock band from

They sing of ... they were 8 to 14 then, a powerhouse today still scattered across Europe

Imagine the reason for starting a song titled Happiness with

I'm still alive and it upsets me

Listen, read the subtitle if you can

Understand are schoolgirls, finally all teens I think and have had to flee homes because of war.


This song is where I was introduced to by awesome

I was immediately struck with the skill and power these girls exuded.

The txt overlay is nice but I caught the gist from the Russian I learned 50 years ago


I'm tellin' you
are full of energy... here is midpoint in a a full on concert where all music is original and they don't play their entire cataloge

Have you met ?

The coolest and most energetic rock band in a decade IMO

All girls
From Ukraine

This and others are in English


Steelhoof aka Bill

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