A short while ago I started putting together and OSINT "newsletter" - links for OSINT-related stuff. I'm trying to focus on the art and science of OSINT rather than any particular world event. These are posted Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday evenings so they're ready when people get to work Monday/Wednesday/Friday & can be found here: https://medium.com/@snyde21
It is currently divided into 3 sections:
- Videos/Webinars/Podcasts/Conferences
- Articles/Blogs (Corporate or Personal)
- Books/Resources
I do not provide any 'analysis' or other inputs about the articles because I do not want to skew anyone's views of what the authors have provided.
As with the rest of the collections I've put together (https://linktr.ee/snyde21), suggestions welcome.
I'll try to start including the subheading/summary/first paragraph for each article.
@snyde21 l think a headline or cption should be enough for folks to decide if they are interested in opening the link