I just started watching "The Bear" on FX. It's exceptionally good so far. I would add it to the list of this network's gems, like "The Old Man" and others. I'm watching on Hulu. You may find it other places.
I read a blurb online recently comparing it to Ted Lasso. It's quite different from that but I see the basis for the comparison. Anyway, I urge you to check it out.
Yes, indeed my friend.
@LnzyHou @sloudermilk @Redskye572 No matter how we each view the infinite expanse beyond, we have more in common to unite us than divide us.
There is no need to be right, no need to be the sole idea of prominence, when we can all agree to be excellent to one another, to prioritize compassion and empathy, and work to make a better world.
The power of kindness can't be underestimated. 🤝 We are all connected, and every small act of kindness can create a ripple effect that impacts those around us. Let's spread love and make this world a better place. #BeTheChange #BeKind
@NiveusLepus @LnzyHou @Redskye572
Yes, absolutely! This is what attracted me to Unitarian Universalism. It's a religion whose members include protestants, catholics, jews, atheists, muslims, hindus, etc.
But we all believe in the worth and dignity of every person and the interdependent web of existence of which we are a part.
This is the way.
@LnzyHou @Redskye572
Agreed. The God I believe in is a loving spirit. #religion #faith #unitarian #Universalist
Wow. What a monumentally destructive idea. 😧
And give a few dollars each month as thanks to @th3j35t3r for this gift that we all enjoy.
Reminder- if you are loving the level of informed discussion, clear intel and to the minute data flowing to you through this interface, you should toss a coin to our Witcher, @th3j35t3r and go pro or donate. This platform survives on our dollars and his back. (Edit to add link)
This community and the rules we all go by are SO worth it.
I just feel an urge to speak again this morning, as others have in the past.
This platform/service is a special place; unique on today's Internet.
The people here are articulate, intelligent, caring, and paying attention. We don't always agree but there are no personal attacks, bots, or trolls.
Along with the special user community you'll find a ton of fabulous features.
Tell your friends and neighbors.
@swOOp We used to wear it proudly when serving in the 21st Soup & Coffee Command (SUPCOM) during the days of REFORGER.
Even during my time in a forward support maint. company in the Big Red One, I was considered a REMF.
We wore the name proudly.
😀 I haven't heard anyone speak of REMFs since many years ago when I was one.
I'm seeing a lot of circumstantial evidence that James Cameron has been, and continues to be, more on top of this Titan implosion disaster than anyone in the Coast Guard, Navy, OceanGate, etc.
Sad, really.
Centering #music for today. It seemed appropriate.
Dad, Husband, Unitarian Universalist, Retired IT Professional, Army Veteran, lifelong supporter of free software, and the oxford comma.