Has anyone ever heard of needing permission from your current primary dr to transfer to a different primary?

I've been looking for a new primary and this week I finally found one who is accepting new patients and is closer to my home by 15 minutes. I was told by the hospital network that they have to contact my primary and get their permission for me to transfer to a new clinic. WTH?

I've never heard of such a thing. πŸ˜•


It's ok. β™₯️ I was told to allow at least 48 hours for them to hear back from my doctor's office so I'm going to call them tomorrow. I called Monday afternoon but figure I'll wait until Thursday morning,


When you talk to them, are you going to inquire about the policy? I wonder if it's an office policy to try to cut down on drug-seekers who doctor shop?


No, I hadn't planned on that simply 'cause 9 times out of 10 such questions are met with, "I don't know, it's just the policy."
All I care about is getting a new primary.
Now, if my current doctor doesn't approve, they'll be hearing from me. I seriously doubt there will be a problem because they already know how angry I am with her and the clinic. I had to drive out there, (25 mins away), last month after they didn't respond to my numerous MyChart msgs & phone calls.


I detest it when they don't return calls. My husband was having an extreme Crohn's flare. I tried calling his doctor. No answer. No answering message. No answering service. Nothing.

Finally drove to their office and the door had a hand-written note taped to it saying it was closed for 2 WEEKS for the holidays. I was livid. Who doesn't warn their patients??

Never went back. I found him a new doctor. Bonus: The new doctor didn't blare Fox "News" in the waiting room.


TWO WEEKS?? That's...I...yeah...*deep breath*

I'd rather there not be televisions in waiting rooms. I don't care if it's the ER where folks have to wait for hours. I have zero interest in watching Jerry Springer or listening to Fox News or Leave It To Beaver.

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