Can you remove family from your social media accounts?
I had to steer clear of having interactions with family on SM because I never knew if one of them was going to "report back" to my mom and then I'd have to deal with more of her than I already have to. Eventually I left Facebook completely to get away from all of them. I figure if they need something, they know how to find me.
Ok, I misunderstood. I thought from your original post that the person who hurt you was on some social media platform and had said something to you there and that was why you didn't feel safe talking about it. My apologies.
@see_the_sus @desbearado No worries!! This is an imperfect medium. We all miss stuff, or fail to convey stuff, all the time. Thank you for being so supportive. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I need to stick with light fluffy conversations and stop getting myself into deep discussions when my brain has turned into a mushy banana cause it's well past my bedtime and I'm frustrated that I can't fall asleep. 😒
@see_the_sus @desbearado 😂😂😂😂😂😂 You’re fine!
@see_the_sus @desbearado That’s why I’m able to post here, none of them are on here. As for Facebook, that’s how I keep in touch with many good friends around the country.
As for today, that was text communication. It was direct and hurtful, but not the first time. I’ll be okay, I just need to let it out for a bit.