Oh hey it's #WorldBookDay! And the folks over at #compoundInterest have shared this for everyone. For the #bookSniffers out there!
What genius came up with this? Can we get them to go on shark tank? I want to hear the pitch for this. Amzon recommendations for the win! #pizzaScissors
What is a human if not an advanced mRNA technology? Idaho state senator is trying to ban humans? humans??? #politics
Months ago I mentioned #CoSo on face book and now all the comments have been flagged and hidden from everyone. Weird.
I don't know how real this is but it would be cool if it were to be. #CosoMovies #talesOfShortRound #KeHuyQuan
Going through another box of random media. Found this ancient artifact. I remember waiting for this to be shipped and there was no tracking you just had to wait. Every day checking the mailbox. #wolfenstein3D #floppyDisk
• Bearded scientist with a whiteboard
• slurpee&coffee&homebrew&brunch