There are ways to fight back.
A lot has happened since I lasted posted here. More mass shootings. End of Title 42. THE town hall. Through all the misery, it's important that people who truly cherish democracy and civil liberties and social justice fight for all that in different ways - protests, litigation, document and post on social media, hit the TV and radio airwaves, speak at council and school boards, yard signs, sharing with friends, neighbors and loved ones. Many ways to resist.
A reminder of other things happening.
Vital to remind the Trump-loving no-knowings who say they're pro-life Christians who love freedom, law & order & small govt that everything they're pushing: anti-LGBTQ legislation and behavior, taking over public schools, banning books, threatening and bullying political opposites, limiting local government powers, police reform, prohibiting arrests/prosecution of Repubs guilty of crimes they accuse others of doing is called hypocrisy. And being on the wrong side of history.
Still recovering from nearly 2 weeks of journalisting at #sxsw Here's one of my seemingly dozens of #sxsw2023 articles.
When folks perform mental gymnastics to demonstrate hate for someone different from them - racially, spiritually. LGBTQ, gender, differently abled - it's because those folks have no empathy, understanding or tolerance for God's creation of diversity.
I'll be previewing this among other local proposed initiatives and contested races in the San Antonio area May 6 elections.
Ace didn't have an opinion on the northwest side hiking trail that we took today. #hikingwithdogs #satx
Catholic progressive journalist, born & bred in San Antonio. Sarcasm is a love language.