When folks perform mental gymnastics to demonstrate hate for someone different from them - racially, spiritually. LGBTQ, gender, differently abled - it's because those folks have no empathy, understanding or tolerance for God's creation of diversity. https://www.newsweek.com/neo-nazi-groups-national-day-hate-new-york-chicago-los-angeles-1783608
@satxhack It is exhausting to carry around so much hate and misunderstanding, and even more to find the rationale to continue doing so. Instead of looking at the more obvious reasons for this exhaustion, it is added as a reason to hate more, too often leading to violence. And then, there's is the propaganda that allows such speech and attitude to not only continue, but flourish. We have an obligation - a necessary duty, to return to sanity, bring back The Fairness Doctrine, and value education.