Does anyone else use Trakt to help track what shows and movies they're watching?? I've been using it for years and it's so helpful. Today I decided to scroll *all* the way down to the bottom of my "Up Next" list and finish shows I never finished. There's so many. Like Arrested Development, The Magicians, Penny Dreadful, etc.
@AskTheDevil No, it's mostly shows I didn't finish because I got distracted by other shows. π
@sarcasmsign One of the things that maddens me about shows with major stories unfinished: My mind keeps them ticked as something I didn't see all of, and keeps looking for them. Even when I consciously know the show's done for, no more episodes, not gonna be more.
It's like I'm reaching for a phantom limb. Like my tongue is going for a tooth that's no longer there.
I probably shouldn't tell people my kryptonite. But it's lame as kryptonite goes.