
One last (please Lort let it be the last) bit of baby bunny drama last night--Eowyn the pit/boxer mix had a bun that managed to get away from the nest but not entirely out of the yard trapped in some bushes. This was high entertainment for her. She didn't hurt it any, but I'm sure it was terrified.

We brought her in but couldn't find the bun to relocate it.

Then she starts barking at the window b/c she sees that it has come out. So I go out with a box and grab it and relocate it to the front yard, where we see lots of bunnies. I'm hoping this guy either gets collected by his mom, or is old enough to look after itself, and in any event, is not foolish enough to come back to our dogs' domain...

Poor thing let out a heart-wrenching 'EEP!' sound as I was moving it.

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