Got my retropie going and installed the c64 emulator. Old school EA logo y'all!

They really captured the experience of waiting forever for games to load-it's just like when i was a boy!

@rpardee Try switching to lr-vice

On the main menu, go to Retropie > Retropie setup > Manage packages > exp > lr-vice and install it.

@rpardee If that doesn't work, ping me a description of what happens when you try to start a game + your pi version.

(I write about this stuff a fair bit and run a VICE fork of my own, so might be able to help.)

@MightyOwlbear Hey, thanks! I will give that a whirl.

Should I remove vice then?

@MightyOwlbear removed vice & installed lr-vice (from source). Restarted emulationstation & then the game (Archon). Back to EOA (EA) logo...

@rpardee What does it do with other ROMs?

This demo is my go-to for C64 testing

@MightyOwlbear Still on that loading screen--gonna pull the plug.

Thanks for that site recommendation! I'll try this here:

@MightyOwlbear On the other hand Moondust seemed to work.

I'm not getting audio out of the pi (have attempted to configure it to send to the headphone jack). Will have to work on that a bit. I'd love any advice you might have on that score.

@rpardee It's sometimes the case that you have to change Raspberry Pi's boot parameters to get audio out via the 3.5mm port.

Going to assume that you're using an RPi 4 with RetroPie 4.7.1 unless you correct me. I'm also writing this from memory, but will double-check my own RetroPie setup later tonight.

Press F4 to get to the command line, then sudo nano /boot/config.txt

Make sure dtparam=audio=on is present.




@MightyOwlbear Holy cow--thanks for taking the time to help out like this!

@rpardee Oh, hey, it's MULE!

If you start running low on classics, I've got a collection of recent commercial and free releases at

I'm currently playing the hell out of Zeta Wing

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