
Poor Kodos is not doing well. 😞 Won't get up on his own, whining in pain.

Mobile vet gets here soon. Wish us luck.

Thanks everybody! The news is good--vet wants to treat him for pain & see how things go. For a 12.5 year old Newf, that's pretty good.


Oh Roy--fingers crossed for sure. Poor fella, and poor you--it is so hard when our pets are hurting 💔


@rpardee Oh poor little thing. Good luck and hope it's nothing serious! 🤞

@rpardee God bless you all, praying and holding you in my heart. 💕

Nothing but good thoughts coming your way... Hoping the pupper is ok!

@rpardee hope it is easily addressed and Kodos is on the mend. Sending love! 🐾

@rpardee That is good news! I hope handsome Kodos gets fast relief & is wagging his tail again.

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