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@Jacki oh kinzinger I thought they meant Schiff for some reason 😌

Meanwhile in Russia: top state TV propagandists can't help but laugh out loud at Trump's "Superman" announcement.

@Rickbflony The last piece of merch will be autographed diapers

This new puppy is really affecting my laundry schedule.

This morning I found something in the room where things go to die so things are starting off very promising.

Every young girl or woman ever burned as a witch was completely innocent. Every person who helped burn them was a murderer. Sometimes there aren't two sides to the story. Sometimes the only thing you can do with the truth is to face it.

@grapho Sheesh we weren't giving them these already? It's about time.

"Russian disinformation rampant on far-right social media platforms."

Sidenote: Do you know where this isn't a problem? I do.

TFW you forgot to do something but then plot twist you realize you did remember but forgot that you remembered.

@Imjustagirl When I said elon musk should burn I didn't mean like that lol

TFW you pull a chapstick out of the dryer to find that it's all hollow inside and in a small way now you are too.

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Richard Perlicz

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.