@LnzyHou 😂 Well, I got the impression he wanted the water changed in the bird bath, lol.

@redgypsee @LnzyHou Blue Jays are such little thugs lol, my cockatiel used to mimic them but about 8 years back he escaped and was out "wilding" for almost 2 weeks, I finally located him almost a mile away and when I got him home he has NEVER mimicked them again, I wish that he could tell me about his adventure but my best guess is that although the jays would hang outside and talk to him all day long, they must have been total assholes to him out there!

@Tattoomonkey29 😅 Haha, this I believe, Glad your cockatiel is safe with you now. @LnzyHou

@redgypsee @LnzyHou :) it was crazy lol! It was the very day I had resigned myself to stop searching .He showed up in someone's back yard whistling la cucaracha so her daughter went out and he came to the table to hang out by her, she was a total clone for my best friend who he adored , we put his cage on the table and he hopped right in and we laughed that he was like a tweaker coming off a run because he made no noise, slept ,drank water and ate for the next week!

@LnzyHou @redgypsee Here is Boyfriend, much older and wiser!! I named him boyfriend because he used to bitch at me when I came home!

@LnzyHou @redgypsee ❤️ 😎 I never thought I'd be a "bird person" but in 2010 a neighbor knocked on my door and asked if I wanted a bird, I'd rescued her senior citizen cat so she knew I was a softy, Now I have 4 and all were foundlings!

@Tattoomonkey29 @redgypsee

I love this story 💜

How did you find and capture your wilding cockatiel?

@LnzyHou @redgypsee He was in tree in yard at first, took cage outside and he tried to fly to it but inside birds can't gauge distance for landing and panic. He stayed close and kept trying but 3rd day was super hot/windy and blew him across the street. I walked the neighborhood at dawn and dusk with his cage and a towel calling out "boyfriend" and whistling la cucaracha while crying. I posted flyers for 4 blocks and on Craiglist and FB, that last day a lady saw CL then her sister posted on FB !

@LnzyHou @redgypsee My conure escaped too, the first time he stayed just out of my reach in a tree for hours then took a nap while I stood there on a ladder then hopped on my shoulder 2nd time required my trans friend with pink hair who he adored to talk him out of a tree! Then the night before I was moving 2 years ago he got out again and I spent all day and every half hour all night going out to talk him out of a tree and it took my friend Dillon coming over to get him out!

@LnzyHou @redgypsee My friends had been gently gently with me but most thought he was a goner! He actually escaped trying to follow my besty out the door. It was so funny to go in the ladies back yard and see Ilena's actual clone down to long dark hair denim shorts black tank top and gold hoop earrings!

@Tattoomonkey29 @redgypsee

My 16 lb Italian Greyhound was lost in the bush for 5 weeks on St Croix. He was found with a Pitt Bull 7 miles from home. He ran when scared by really loud claps of thunder during storms.

Vet said Pitt kept him alive from marauding packs of dogs. Tried to go back and rescue him too. He was gone.

@LnzyHou @redgypsee ❤️ 😔 I would have tried too, I hope that either he found his way home or someone rescued him!

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