What are they going to say “We just wanted to ask a few questions. One thing led to another, and ya know how it goes, soon we were hacking up his body. Sorry. “ https://apple.news/ANiATLo4sSxO9L0ra17oqTw
This may be our last resort to fixing this mess. In the end nature always wins. https://apple.news/AeWGI_22GRe2p6HdUY-aMDw
So Woody Guthrie wrote a song about Fred Trump. It’s not very complimenting. https://nyti.ms/2NZHKZs#permid=28869879
Let the Presidential Alert memes begin...
I vote independently
"The measure of a life is a measure of love and respect, so hard to earn, so easily burned" - Lee, Lifeson, Peart