Just woke up from the most stressful dream (wrecked a rental car in Australia). My dreams are usually low key, so I started searching on my phone “why do we have stressful dreams”. Search autofilled “why” with “is Aunt Jemima racist?”. I clicked to find this post from 7 yrs ago https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20130402174127AA6o8Mb (did I time travel?). So I’m wide awake at 6:30am on Father’s Day, wondering if they know about Aunt Jemima pancakes in Australia. Oh,Happy Father’s Day!
@redbarchetta3 Yes. We do. We don't understand how it can be legal to have like obviously racist brands tho...
And also why you can't just like make pancakes. Its eggs, flour, milk and salt.
And stop making them giant fluffy pikelets!
Ok. I'll stop now.
@redbarchetta3 as an American in Australia, I've had to field some questions about it.