I know this might be hard to understand:

But a lot of us Republicans (or ex-Republican in my case) were lied to, and are still being lied to, by our leaders.

If anything, Republicans are way way way too trusting of their own. Republicans trust Republicans without question. We didn't question our own. We didn't critique our own.

It's still happening.

My Republican family believes babies are aborted after being born, they are told so by Republican leaders. That's why they want abortion bans.


Thank you for this whole thread and sharing your insight into the relentless propaganda Republican voters are exposed to.

What stuck out for me is how impermeable the walls of the red bubble are. The facts are out there, people are discussing issues based on facts, a large portion of the population know the truth, but still nothing breaks through. They aren't ignoring or rejecting the truth, they aren't seeing ANY of it.


@bluesbaby Yup.

That's what I keep trying to say.

Of course we have to fight the fascists themselves. The ones grabbing power for evil. Of course we have the grifters and trolls and abusers and racists who are taking advantage for their evil.

Fight the fascism and the ones directly responsible and I'm all in. I'm there with you now.

But if we are taking that hatred to families stuck in an information prison just trying to get by. I'm getting off at the next stop.

@bluesbaby I got out of one hate machine.

I will not step my feet into another.

Hate is infectious. It starts with hating one group and inevitably spreads to the next.

And people saying "my hating people I don't know is better than their hating people they don't know just because it's a different/lesser hate" is just a sad excuse. It's still hate.

@bluesbaby Don't get me wrong though.

I hate Trump.
I hate MAGA leaders.
I hate the GOP leadership.
I hate the Oath Keepers.
I hate the Proud Boys, especially.

Prison isn't good enough for any of them.

But I'm not gonna hate random MAGA Mom stuck in their info bubble trying to raise her kids.

I want MAGA Mom's kids to have a chance for a better life and perspective, even if she doesn't. 😞 That's never gonna happen if the kid sees me hate on their family.


Yes, and I think that is the takeaway for all of us. Let's not lump everyone into one basket. Have some empathy.

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