@MookyTroubadour Cool fact - they used to be called « waps » https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/wasp#:~:text=a%20wasp,to%20the%20insect's%20woven%20nests).
Is it just mine, or do most families of self-employed / sm biz owner / freelancers not understand it’s rarely 9-5 with paid vacation and medical insurance. #SwearToGawd I’ve been self-employed for 35yrs and #wormy sibs still don’t get it. #worktoot
@th3j35t3r Beauty!
@MrGoat One hundredAnd one?🤓
Did you know the song "pop goes the weasel" originated because a pet weasel named orville got loose in redenbockers general store, gorged itself on dried corn, and after being discovered was chased until it accidentally went into the fire where it died and it's corn laden corpse "popped" popcorn?
Still more believable than anything a republican tells you.
@process I wish @worldbollard would come here from the other place- was one of my fav follows.
Seriously - actual, factual news for 3 bucks a week - fcuk meta - #SubscribeLocal if you can or the FreeP even if you're not. It's entirely worth it. #cosocanucks #cdnpoli #mbpoli #aFreePressMatters
@DLoIndustries I think they should just start putting a pic of a toilet on bathroom doors.
Guess Best Girl won’t be stripping and staining the front steps today. #CoSoWeatherReport #ManitobaStormsAreAwesome #GoodmorningMom
#books #reading #BannedBooks #DPLA
'The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) has launched The Banned Book Club... The Banned Book Club makes e-book versions of banned books available to readers in locations across the United States where titles have been banned. The e-books will be available to readers for free via the Palace e-reader app.'
(Please boost if you dig it)
f/t mom, partner, elearning designer, p/t fish
masking and boosting until it's really over