1 day after #earthday
humans are back at it
derailment, spill, explosion, leak
every other day
1 day after #earthday
humans are back at it
derailment, spill, explosion, leak
every other day
1 day after #earthday
humans are back at it
derailment, spill, explosion, leak
every other day
daily #plastic rant
1 day after #earthday
humans are back at it
derailment, spill, explosion, leak
every other day
when will we take the hint and fix our infrastructure, transportation industry, and stop funding #bigoil
our #future stinks
celebrate #Nature
#birds #growflowers
hummers cant rely on sugar water from feeders. they need the nutrients provided by real food. they love lillies.
daily #plastic rant
it can fly, aided or unaided
right up our noses
i felt the 2nd shot in my left ovary 45 mins after injected.
hadnt felt anything there since menopause many decades earlier.
women dont react like males to medicines
and yet ...
electrifying everything only works if there are enuf electricians
males get no side effects
women risk cancer and all manner of complications
this what comes from always having to take the brunt
@Ulf thanks, friend. well met.
Dictating my memoirs
to my editor/illustrator, aZa