we dont miss all these
mighty thoughty
considering pot been legal on OR for years now.
If every 1 of us
did 1 thing today
to make a better World
there would be 8 billion things
done by tomorrow
be aware
A 1970 Law Led to the Mass Sterilization of Native American Women. That History Still Matters
#NativeAmerican #history coerced #sterilization
@nursefrombirth we wonder why we are all ill? look no further than the food industry owned by big pharma and their chemical allies.
there is nothing nourishing about animal abuse imo.
Baba Yaga: The greatest 'wicked witch' of all?
Morning, kind hearts and gentle people.
safe passage
be aware
Turkey Feathers by aza
Beethoven Moonlight Sonata for Old Elephant
Well, I welled up an cried. Time to put this day to bed. Nite CoSos.
@grrlscientist transhumanists trash and travel
'longtermism' is hilarious white wash imo
Sigmund Freud, was one of the 'father figures' of the cigar culture imo. such a heavy smoker, he developed cancer of the jaw in mid age. docs cut a big chunk out, then replaced the bone with a prosthetic. family called this, the Beast, it needed to be removed /cleaned daily. a task he relegated to his daughter. as he could not control his addiction, he kept smoking.
the stench of the Beast sometimes caused its caretaker 'vapors', which in modern parlance is 🤮
Chinese panda, gifted to Taiwan as a symbol of friendship, dies(Washington Post- No pay)
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Dictating my memoirs
to my editor/illustrator, aZa