
eating organic dont confer immunity from chemical contamination as many are shrink wrapped in plastic.
to be healthier reduce use of in your life,
esp when buying, making or storing food. oily products are at extreme risk when stored in plastic, but acidy foods like tomato sauce can actually disintegrate plastic, ending up on your plate.
shun processed and transfer food products sold in plastic to glass containers

@pennyphilosophy Organic food doesn't offer immunity from anything it's just food grown a different way, just that there's not supposed to be chemicals in the food if it's organic.

@Charles_Hawtrey shrink wrapping products in plastic would be then a contradiction in terms

@Charles_Hawtrey plastic is chemicals in form.
any change of circumstance can revert it to its components.
heat, freezing, acidic food, long use ... all these can change the equation.

@Charles_Hawtrey @pennyphilosophy

What’s funny is “organic” iirc is not a government regulated term, and oftentimes indicates the crop was merely grown with more ye olde, harsher, more dangerous pesticides, and it ALWAYS means it’s more expensive and you get nothing better - oftentimes inferior nutrition and taste, too.

Same with “non-gmo” (ignoring the fact that selective breeding is just the unsubtle caveman version of gene mod and that GMO’s are banned from human consumption in the US).

@Charles_Hawtrey @pennyphilosophy

You want to cut down on microplastics and pesti/herbicides? Good fucking luck, there’s basically no place on the planet’s surface or even sea floor that isn’t contaminated with human-made pollutants, plastic or otherwise.

Your best bet is to make your own garden and use heirloom seeds that don’t create sterile seeds when they’re pollinated, and stick to glass, stainless steel, wood, bamboo, etc.

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