Wife sent me to the grocery store. Black eyed peas are on the list. Now, black eyed peas are actually a bean, so naturally I was looking for them in the bean section. I finally had to ask a store employee where they were. She didn't know, either, but she started looking - where most people would look - in the pea section. And - yup - that's where they are.
@paxterrarum I'd have started in the CD section.
@Boyceaz LOL!! Context clues. She sent me to get stuff she needed for a new recipe.
But here's some Black Eyed Peas for you.
@paxterrarum I would have just bought a can of peas and punched them all in the eyes
@PirateWench I prefer to let someone else do my dirty work for me. 😃
You can buy them fresh around New Year’s. Delicious 😋
Sometimes I think I could simplify my life in any given scenario by asking, "What would a normal person do?" Then, I could compare my answer to a normal person's answer, and if they're different, estimate the statistical probability that the normal person's answer is more likely to be correct.