@Tacitus_Kilgore I be trying to tell people, you can likely eat more healthy and have better quality foods when they come from food banks. I'd go if I needed to and have in the past, with no shame at all.
@GhostsOfWar50 We use ours regularly. Because we have to. I'm not slagging them. I'm slagging the ones that have made them a necessity. @nursefrombirth
Same. When I came down here I had nothing, and my family I'm living with weren't doing much better.
@nursefrombirth I think you're misunderstanding what I am saying. We use the food bank. I'm pissed that they have now become a necessity and not a break in case of emergency situation.
@Tacitus_Kilgore I just missed that part. Unfortunately, many people rely on food banks and your point is taken, it shouldn't be that way.
@nursefrombirth No worries. I figured that some would not get it and I'd have to explain myself. Written word loses it's oompf more so than spoken word.💙
I have recently. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯