Life Savings of an Entire Small Town Recovered from the Depths of Cryto-Scam, Thanks to FBI
A Wichita courtroom rang out with sobs and cheers when over two dozen people learned that their life savings had been recovered after being lost by a local bank.
@nursefrombirth That's really great.
@misslovelymess I don't trust that crypto stuff.
@nursefrombirth I don't either, but I know from conversations with my son that a whole lot of that young guy vote (not him) for TFG was based on crypto dreams.
@misslovelymess Found this, it appears your son is on point.
Crypto won the 2024 elections. Now comes the easy part.
@nursefrombirth We had a really long discussion, my son is biracial, so I was concerned for his reaction. He said, "This is about money, Mom. Elon Musk and crypto." He's developed an app, he knows so many people and things in that ecosystem. I then talked to him about misogyny in the tech bro world, something hadn't realized. It was a great talk. He's a smart nugget.
But I think that's one of many factors why people voted for him. I'm very suspicious about those who didn't show up.
@misslovelymess That's what I want to see. People making assumptions doesn't help me at all. I want to know the truth, the facts, that's the only way we really learn.