I really appreciate that my American friends here have never told me to stay in my lane when I snark about - thank you. Honestly, when you look at these types of comments, you truly have to know it's impossible to look away.
We won't tell you to stay in your own lane. We might, however, slip into your lane when you aren't looking. "Yes, sir, that is maple syrup in my trunk. No, it just looks like an American passport because I disguised it so I wouldn't be told to go back to where I came from. Did I mention the maple syrup in my trunk? Go curling team, Eh?"
TLDR: Unless you're spewing untruths/lies/propaganda, and are reasonably informed, anyone saying you (or any other Canadians, etc) should "stay in your lane" can get stuffed.
Considering how grossly ignorant so many Americans are about their own government & history (to say nothing of what our OWN GOVERNMENT is currently doing) collectively, we're on perilously thin ice when it comes to judging others.
/end rant
@netspionage @Anemone
Yep. So many glass houses, so many people with stones in their hands.