Opening voiceover. Someone's read Adams.
@mondegreens stand and deliver!
@mondegreens I'm loving this play by play. Listening to someone else explain this story is funny AF.
@MtnHooligan I've read the book but I'm watching this for the first time. I'm not sure how I feel about it.
@mondegreens like most stories it's not as good as the book. But they do it justice. It takes a bit to pick up. I might be overly partial to David Tennant though.
@MtnHooligan Fair! The first episode was slow, but I also know just how much PLOT and SETUP the whole thing requires.
@mondegreens That's an interesting question. I've watched Mad Men and love him in it, but I have a tough time with Hamm in comedy. Comedy is much more difficult, and I'm not sure he's good at it.
But prove me wrong.
@Shesamodiste He seems uncomfortable in comedy roles, but keeps getting them. Can't quite understand why.
Why the fuck is there a lion in the desert? I can suspend a lot of disbelief but this is a step too far.