I think it's funny that many people have told me CoSo doesn't use quoting, bc they want to avoid a "subtweeting" kind of culture. 'Cause I'm being subtweeted all over the place. Even J. And yeah, I haven't used CoSo that much, and I'd like to use it more, but just trying to figure out how things work and why. If I've annoyed anyone, I apologize.
@Krysdammit @ml8_ml8 love this. It was very helpful. Thank you
Coso baffled me at first too. I came in on the huge wave in April. Many nauts were giving us this advice:
1. follow accounts whose content you like (if you're not followed back don't take it personally)
2. join an ongoing convo
3. #s don't mean anything here
4. Coso is what YOU make for yourself, customization is key
5. Make columns of interest to you, you can add more than 1 #tag to a column!
6. Set up filters for content you don't want, time them from 1/2 hour to forever
Have fun!🤗