There seems to be a whole chonk of people who just didn't / don't pay attention in their schooling time, so...
@redenigma Maybe your friend’s real estate agency should hire you as a consultant. Descriptions are very important and you could help them “do it better.”
Of course this assumes you have at least a mild interest in part time employment, which might not be remotely true… As a person who loves to read real estate listings, I just think they should be reasonably accurate!🥺
@HopeSeeker no, i'm retired to my sheep farming :) the less i have to deal with other people the better... years of retail & customer service. i'm pretty done ;)
@HopeSeeker besides, i'm trying to LEAVE NH
I hope you find the property of you dreams!
@HopeSeeker pretty sure that won't happen, but better than here is certainly quite possible & good enough
@mims i have a friend that is in realestate. she does a lot of training of new agents. she was horrified by this.
i told her that i had contacted one agent, told him everything wrong about his house description & then asked for an appointment to see the house. i figured it was a good way to see if we'd be able to work together... (he just misidentified an A & ell style. that's pretty common, really)