I think what people might not fully appreciate is that, especially after last year, the intensity of these #atmosphericriver storms in California has changed & keeps changing & scaling up. It’s not same as it ever was. It’s not 'but we had a flood 100 or 1000 years ago so whatevs.' Same goes for our droughts & wildfires. It’s shocking. So this isn’t normal run of the mill storm anxiety. It’s that we are feeling in our bones that this is a newly hostile planet thanks to manmade #ClimateChange.
@peeppeepcircus 2/2
And yes, I'm part of the intuitive community, wherein it's clear (at least to us) that the Earth is renewing herself because we humans have screwed everything up so much. It's just happening earlier than it would otherwise have.
Just my opinion. Sending good will and good wishes your way. 🙂🙃🙂
isn’t it possible to love Gaia and also call out how dangerous the climate change changes are to life, not just human?