@peterquirk @mikeharmanos haha i remember this and the plot twist in this
i see what you mean about OpEds
prior to blogging we had bulletin boards, but blogging really did change everything..
@Museek @mikeharmanos When I started blogging in 2007, I was really chuffed if one person per day responded. WIthin a few years the comments were being spammed.
@mikeharmanos @Museek True!
And as they said, "On the internet, no one knows if you're a dog." https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/on-the-internet-nobody-knows-youre-a-dog
TBF, writing an op-ed in a newspaper and reading reader replies days after was the same thing, at a smaller scale and a slower pace. However, blogs allowed us to write about absolutely anything without editors deciding whether it was worthy of the audience's time. Many bloggers were just shouting into the abyss.